Rescue From Planet Pleasure, book 6 in the Felix Gomez detective-vampire series, will be available at Denver Comic Con at the WordFire Press booth. I'll be floating between WF and another booth in dealers room, with Quincy Allen.

Here's my panel schedule during the con.
Saturday, May 23
Room 203 12:10-1pm Writing Reality Into Fiction
Room 205 4:25-5:15pm Steampunk in the past, present and future
Sunday, May 24
Room 402 11:45am-12:35pm Minority and Women Authors of the Past
Room 205 12:55-1:45pm Sticking the Landing: Ending Your Story
Room 203 4:50-5:40pm Writing the Other
Room 203 6-6:50pm Finding Firefly: mixing genres in fiction
Monday, May 25
Room 205 11:45am-12:35pm Going Down the Research Rabbit Hole
Room 402 12:55-1:45pm Anonymous Violence
Come visit and buy me a drink!